Friday 9 January 2015

Monas, anyone who has ever come to Indonesia would know this one monument. Monas or Monumen Nasional (eng. National Monument) is a landmark of the Jakarta city which is the capital city of Indonesia.

This monument has a height of about 132 meters and has stood for more than 50 decades. The monument was built on September 19 of 1961, and began to open to the public around July 17, 1975. The entire building is covered by schist, and at its peak there were torches bronze weighing 14.5 tons and gold coated 35 kilograms.

This building their full designed by three architects Indonesia ie, Ir Rooseno, Sudarsono and Frederich Silaban.

The monument is a symbol of perseverance and independence of the nation Indonesia to escape from invaders.

An elevator built inside monas to take visitors to the top of Monas. Monas peak can accommodate about 50 tourists. From there, tourists can see the beauty of the city from a height.

Monas is a very suitable place in visit with family and friends to provide educational and inculcate the spirit of patriotism to the younger generation.


 monas on google maps

Article Monas, National Monument ( Monumen Nasional ) Indonesia is derived from various sources.

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