Welcome to the indo traveling advertising page. In addition to providing information about tourist destinations in Indonesia we also give you the offer to advertise on our blog. By advertising with us, your goods or services will be easier in the know and in view of our blog visitors. So that your business will run more smoothly in line with the progress of our blog.

We offer very affordable advertising space. By spending money that is not how you are able to advertise your business.

-Slot 728 x 90 : Rp.30.000 - 50.000  / Month
-Slot 468 x 60 : Rp.25.000 - 40.000 /Month
-Slot 125 x 125 : Rp.15.000 - 20.000 / Month
The above price list may change at any time.

For reservations please contact us via the contact below.

email : arissubyantoro23@gmail.com
SMS  : 085 730 719 321

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