Wednesday 4 February 2015

Watu Ulo Beach is one of the tourist sites are located in Indonesia Ocean. The scenery on the beach is still very beautiful and natural. "Watu Ulo" means "stone snake" in the Java language, is so called because there are rocks that line toward the sea in trust by the citizens is a giant snake. This beach is located in the village Sumberejo, subdistrict Ambulu, about 40 Km south of the town of Jember. To go there, visitors can use public transport or hire a rental car. The journey there takes about 30 minutes from the center of the town of Jember.

Every March 1 to 10 Shawwal (Islamic calendar), people there held the fair with entertainment and local fishermen selling handicrafts from seafood such as clams, snails, etc. Every 7th Shawwal always held ceremonial " Larung Sesaji" ( eng: offerings float ), where the fishermen throw offerings into the sea as a sign of dedication and gratitude.

The beach is visited during holidays, or regular days. Watu ulo beach has a view that is still very natural. With a row of hills with dense trees grow there. There is also a white sand beach located on the west coast of Watu Ulo, if there would have to pay. Around the beach, visitors who come can also see some other tourist spots, such as, Japanese caves, cave bats and some supporting facilities such as playgrounds and camping areas.

With the natural beauty of the beach and around the Watu Ulo Beach made famous beach in Jember region even in the surrounding towns


Article Watu Ulo Beach, Between Natural Beauty and Myth is derived from various sources.

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